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Tutorial Videos

These Tutorial Videos provide an outline of how to perform the most common tasks, while context-specific Help buttons throughout AppSynergy provide more detailed information on syntax, formulas, etc.

If you are just getting started, you may also want to review the AppSynergy Data Migration Guide.

Tutorial 1 - Building Your First App

A brief overview of tabs, menus, buttons, creating tables, linking tables with Foreign Keys, Record objects, nesting records, data links, calculated fields and more.

Tutorial 2 - Modal Panels

Learn how to use pop-up modal panels to build a better UI for your applications.

Tutorial 3 - Reports

Learn how to create master-detail style rollup reports with AppSynergy.

Tutorial 4 - Charts & Maps

Learn how to build applications that make full use of chart and map objects.

Tutorial 5 - Sharing Apps

Learn how to share AppSynergy applications with others, manage user accounts and create custom security roles.

Tutorial 6 - Triggers & Stored Procedures

Learn how to code database triggers and stored procedures, send email when an event occurs and more.

Tutorial 7 - UI Events

Learn how UI events can be used to trigger your own custom JavaScript code.

Tutorial 8 - Federated Data

Learn how to use AppSynergy's Federated Database features to build applications that tightly integrate with other systems.

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