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Publish your own API

AppSynergy allows you to publish a custom API where you can respond to RETful API calls using PL/SQL. This works by firing a trigger on the WebRequest table in your database each time an API call is received. Your trigger simply reads the request and generates a response. You can also use this feature to process inbound Webhooks.


Create a BEFORE UPDATE trigger on the WebRequest table via Tools > Database Triggers. The basic code for your trigger should look something like this:

BEGIN -- only respond if resp_code is NULL IF (NEW.resp_code IS NULL) THEN -- verify the request is from a valid API user (optional) IF (NEW.req_user_id != 'u1234') THEN SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'Permission Denied.'; END IF; -- parse req_params and/or req_body to generate your response IF (JSON_VALUE(NEW.req_params,'$.TestMe') = 'true') THEN SET NEW.resp_code = 200; SET NEW.resp_body = JSON_OBJECT('MyResponse','Hello World'); ELSE SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'Invalid Request. Try this: TestMe=true'; END IF; END IF; END

Your trigger will fire for every API call received. Your code should first test that NEW.resp_code is NULL, then set NEW.resp_code and NEW.resp_body to appropriate values for the response. Typically this is all your code needs to worry about.

If an error is encountered when the trigger fires it will be rolled back and the system will then update the row a second time with a non-null resp_code and resp_body to log the error. The best way for your code to throw an error is via the SIGNAL command (as shown above).

You can query the WebRequest table for diagnostic data.

API Specification


GET | POST { "AnyValidJson": "OK" }

Your trigger will see the request data as follows:


{ "AnyValidJson": "OK" }

Your trigger should SET the response fields as follows:

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